
      The machine learning and network behavior analysis lab (MLNBA) in the School of Information Science and Engineering at University of Jinan is directed by Prof. Lizhi Peng. The lab conducts research mainly on machine learning, evolutionary computing, computer networks, parallel and distributed computing. Recently, we are focusing on building an unhealthy vedio detection system based on the properties of video traffic.
       We are looking for extensive international collaborators and welcome scholars from the world to visit our Lab.

Resent News


Paper Accepted

Our paper "An Early Stage Convolutional Feature Extracting Method Using for Mining Traffic Detection" is accepted to the journal of Computer Communications!


Paper Accepted

Our paper "Similarity-evaluation-based evolving of flexible neural trees for imbalanced classification" is accepted to the journal of Applied Soft Computing!


Paper Accepted

Our paper"A Novel Feature Method for Fast Extraction of Mining Traffic"is accepted to the conference of 2021 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications!


Paper Accepted

Our paper "Flexible Neural Tree Based on Similarity Evaluation with an Application in Video Traffic Identification" is accepted to the journal of Journal of Computer Research and Development!

April 10, 2020

Paper Accepted

Our paper "Gaussian Distribution based Oversampling for Imbalanced Data Classification" is accepted to the journal of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering!

April 3, 2019

Paper Accepted

Our paper "Generative Learning for Imbalanced Data Using the Gaussian Mixed Model" is accepted to the journal of Applied Soft Computing!

March 21, 2019

Message From God

Our paper "Imbalanced Data Gravitation Classification Model Using For Internet Video Traffic Identification" is accepted for publication in the conference of 2019 IEEE BigDataSecurity!

January 24, 2019

Paper Published

Our paper "Imbalanced learning based on adaptive weighting and Gaussian function synthesizing with an application on Android malware detection" is published online by the journal of Information Sciences!